As the Eye Wanders



→ Given light back to shadows
–  On passages long before
→ It is not a dream
→ Turning time around
–  I have seen the nature of trees at last
–  Blue notes in many keys


As if there is a 6th sense in making sense

Photographs and photo series motivate us to let our eyes wander over one or several images. In search of structures and abstractions, we are almost naturally drawn to new perspectives and insights.

The images of the photographic work „As the Eye Wanders“ are based on sediments of memory from distant places, taken at different times. They correspond in curious and contradictory ways, as if questioning coincidences.

Initially, two pictures were placed side by side, which reflect each other through contrast and similarity. They were then expanded into series of four or five images. This discursive approach generated diptychs and series with different moods and themes. Yet, each individual image upholds its own particular status in the given sequences, drawing its essence from how it has become part of a larger picture.



As the Eye Wanders at lensculture